
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for this lovely review and for your recommendation of our Practice. The Practice employs a mixed skill mix including very experienced Advanced Care Practitioners (paramedic/nurse background who have undergone Masters level extended training) as well as GPs to support diagnosis and treatment arrangements. Through our triage arrangements we aim to ensure that a patients health issue is appropriately matched to the clinician that the patient is booked with. However, our non-GP clinicians always have access to and support from our doctors on site, should a second review or different assessment become apparent. Thank you once again for taking the time to share you positive comments.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for leaving your review regarding your concerns relating to the clinical care provided for your granddaughter. This is a circumstance in which we would need further patient details in order to investigate the serious concerns that you have raised and to respond to you on the pathway of care and the decisions that were taken at the time of examination. If you would like to contact the surgery directly and provide further details we would be very happy to investigate this matter and discuss this with you further.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback and sharing the good experience that you have had with our services, including your interaction with our reception team. We are sorry that you continue to have to wait for an epidural, which has come about as a result of many months of redirected work within the hospital as a result of covid infection and them needing to dedicate significant resources to critical patient management. While I completely understand your frustration, I think it is important that we remember how hard our NHS colleagues worked when we needed them most. Unfortunately hospital waiting times are outside of our control and I am aware that plans are being developed in order to reduce these, but they remain a national problem.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback, which is always appreciated. We are sorry that you have found accessing a face to face appointment difficult and we would like to reassure you that the Practice continues to offer a vast amount of face to face appointments across all of our clinical staff including GPs. These are offered alongside using our on-line system, which was introduced to enable us to manage a higher demand, in a safe way, and is in line with the national requirements to provide on-line access to patients. Unfortunately due to a significant increase in demand it is necessary to manage patients health issues in a broader way, including using the facility to send photos in for review where this is deemed clinically appropriate. We understand that this is a different approach to the more traditional model of care, but it does enable our clinical teams to manage a higher number of patients each day, which has become essential as demand has increased. The Practice has been suffering recently along with the rest of our community with covid infection rates within our staff and this has impacted on all services, including our dispensary team. The team continue to work to a 2 day turnaround, which is met the majority of time, but unfortunately we are also managing a large upsurge in workload as a result of the Chemists deciding last month to withdraw managing the repeat medication requirements of the patients that they serve and passing this work to the Practice. We are sorry that we have not met your expectations and for the frustrations you have and we continue to work hard to provide a good level of service to the patients that we serve.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for this lovely review. Its great to read how easy you found the booking for your NHS Health check appointment and how seamless the process was from booking to completion of the review. Thank you for taking the time to leave this feedback, which is really appreciated by the Surgery and our Practice staff.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    We are sorry to read about the frustrations you have experienced when trying to access our services. We are always happy to investigate concerns and issues raised by our patients, so please do get in contact directly with the Practice with your details in order that we can review your issues further. There are a number of ways in which you can provide feedback or raise a complaint with the Practice, both in writing to the Surgery, submitting details through our on-line website system; click the tile for \'Practice Information\' and use the \'contact the practice\' form or you can email a complaint to We are always sorry to hear when we have not met patient expectations. We are an extremely busy Practice and our staff all work hard to support our patients and we are keen to get it right. Thank you for your very kind feedback regarding the clinical staff who have supported you and your family with their health matters.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for this great feedback and wonderful review. I think that you have covered almost every department in your praise and feedback ! and I will ensure that our teams receive details of the compliments you have shared, which is always a great boost to morale.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback and we are sorry to learn of the frustration you have had when trying to contact the surgery. Unfortunately since providing on-line access to our patients, in line with national requirements for primary care services, we have seen our demand increase by over 100%. It is important that we manage this demand safely rather than simply allowing requests to be sent to us 24/7. This enables us to appropriately direct and advise patients when our capacity is full. We do not provide an out of hours service and there are alternative routes for advice, treatment and support that should be used when the Practice is closed. When we do find it necessary to close a small amount of our on-line forms during the day, we do provide advice regarding alternative services that can be contacted, along with ensuring that those with an urgent need feel able to telephone us to discuss their problem. The on-line system does provide many benefits and a high majority of our patients are very happy with the convenience of the access this provides and the additional routes of receiving a response, advice and treatment from an experienced clinician, including providing face to face appointments where appropriate and necessary.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for this lovely review. Our Same Day Clinic team are a fantastic group of staff who work very hard to meet the needs of urgent on the day issues that present in our patients. We have specifically passed on your comments regarding Dr Read as know it will be lovely for him to learn of your very kind feedback. Thank you for taking the time to share your very positive experience.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your lovely feedback. The on-line system is enabling us to manage the very high demand from our patients in a much more time effective way, which is also safer for our patients as waits to have a health problem reviewed and a decision made regarding sending advice or arranging an appointment are much quicker. While we understand that this is a change from the traditional model of every patient being booked to be seen, it is great to hear your positive experience when accessing our services for your father-in-law.