
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback and we are sorry to read of the frustration you had when attending the Practice to collect your medication. I am sorry to learn that your experience with our dispensary staff was not more helpful regarding your collection and we would like to offer our apologies for this interaction. Regarding your queue time in the Practice. Unfortunately, due to the significant issues being experienced with our local chemists there is an extremely high frequency of duplicate work that we are having to undertake, which is leading to lengthy queues and a lot of pressure within our service. Our team are doing their utmost to respond and help patients resolve their issues and we ask for everyones patience and kindness to our staff who are doing their very best in these challenging circumstances.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your glowing praise for our amazing staff. We are so glad to read of your positive experience and we will be passing on your warm compliments to our team.

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  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to read of the experience you had when contacting the Surgery to request a telephone appointment with a GP. The Practice is very proud of our excellent and hard working team and we are sorry to learn that you did not receive the help you were hoping for on this occasion. We are always happy to discuss patient feedback - good as well as bad, that patients want to share with us, so please do get in touch with the Practice directly if you would like to provide further details regarding this event.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback and we are grateful to receive your positive comments regarding the quality of the care that you have received from our staff. Unfortunately we have very little control over the design of our website, which is a platform that has been commissioned by our local NHS digital team to support the roll out of on-line access for primary care organisations. We do work with the system suppliers to provide feedback to try and influence the design and navigation arrangements of the website and generally find that our patients are very successful in finding the correct forms and information in order to contact us; we are sorry to learn that this is not your experience. We care greatly about serving our patients well and we continually review our clinical resources and have increased our staff number across most clinical and non-clinical staff groups over the past 2 years, including additional Advanced Care Practitioners, locum GPs, Practice Nurses and Dispensers. We continue to work with our local commissioners regarding developing additional space in order to be able to serve our patients. This remains one of our top priorities.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately we have very little control over the design of our website, which is a platform that has been commissioned by our local NHS digital team to support the roll out of on-line access for primary care organisations. We do work with the system suppliers to provide feedback to try and influence the design and navigation arrangements of the website and generally find that our patients are very successful in finding the correct forms and information in order to contact us; we are sorry to learn that this is not your experience. The on-line system is available each morning, until our capacity is full, at which time for safety reasons we switch off our on-line access and request that patients contact us by telephone. It is important that we have the clinical capacity to assess the on-line forms received each day so that patient safety can be managed and health issues appropriately prioritised. The majority of Practices use the same system and very few Practices are able to keep on-line access open all day due to high levels of demand. We care greatly about serving our patients well, but this also has to be managed within the clinical resources that we have available. We also care greatly about the welfare of our staff in ensuring that they have a workload that is reasonable and allows them to operate safe care. We continually review our clinical resources and have increased our staff number across most clinical and non-clinical staff groups over the past 2 years, including additional Advanced Care Practitioners, locum GPs, Practice Nurses and Dispensers. We would like to confirm that patients are able to post scripts through our letterboxes when the Practice is closed, although the 12-2 closure is only on a Wednesday during the working week, plus weekends.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback; we are sorry to read of the frustrations and concern you have detailed regarding speaking with relevant clinicians to manage your health issues. Due to the nature of the concerns that you have raised we are unfortunately not able to respond further without having specific patient identifiable details to investigate. If you would like to contact the Practice in order that we can review your concerns further, please do so by emailing
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback. Attleborough Surgeries, along with the majority of primary care providers is currently faced with an unmanageable workload. Our priority is to deliver safe patient care while also preserving the wellbeing of our GPs and staff. We continue to work hard to recruit a robust and wide breadth of clinical staff and are doing this in the context of 1,425 less whole time equivalent GPs nationally now compared to 2015 and therefore are competing with many other Practices in relation to GP recruitment. We feel extremely lucky to employ the experienced, committed and caring team that we have and are sorry that at times we are unable to respond in a way that always meets patient expectation. Our on-line forms are open every morning and our phone lines remain open 08.30 - 18.00 each day, although at times we may also direct patient to alternative support via pharmacists in local chemists, 111 or the walk in centre.

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