
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    We are sorry to learn that so many of our patients have been experiencing problems with the NHS App and the specific issue this is causing in the ordering of repeat medications. Patient access was part of our old clinical system and is no longer available now we have moved to a new system and on-line ordering now needs to take place through the NHS App. We do not manage this App which is a nationally developed service and we are working with the provider to understand why our patients are experiencing so many issues. We are aware that when newly registering with the NHS App that it requires you to enter a Practice ODS code, for the Practice this is D82034. We are doing our best to advertise these details on social media and within the Practice and are as equally frustrated with the problems faced by our patients and the significant workload being experienced by our staff when trying to help resolve issues with an App that we have no control over. We continue to work to resolve these issues as soon as we can.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback and we are sorry to read of the issues you have faced when trying to contact the Practice to request an appointment. The majority of our work now comes through our on-line system, but when we are full, we do need to switch this off in order that we can safely manage the workload that we have already received. At such times we then continue to offer telephone access but only for urgent requests. Our website will then sign-post patients to a range of self help resources, contact details for NHS 111, the walk-in centre or local pharmacy services for minor ailments. Our forms open each morning at 6.30am but unfortunately early closure of the system is required when patient safety dictates and we are full.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback. In the past 2 weeks we have moved over to a new clinical system. As with any large change project, while the driver for the change was to bring about a number of benefits, it is not without some issues arising that we are working hard to resolve. Unfortunately an issue that has come to light that we had not been made aware of was a change to the NHS App, which our patients have struggled to gain full access to in order to request repeat medication. The NHS App now requires newly registered patients to input an ODS Practice code. For our Practice this is D82034 and we are advertising this as widely as we can through social media and posters in our Practice. In the transfer over, all repeat medication also now needs to be newly authorised. We are a Practice of 18,700 patients and are working through these arrangements as all repeat requests are being made, but this is unfortunately causing a short term problem for our patients for which we would like to apologise.
  • Reply from Attleborough Surgeries

    Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry that you feel that your mental health is not being supported within an appropriate timeframe. When a GP reviews a patients request for help form, they will review your current concerns, alongside any other contacts, support and referrals that have already been made related to your health issue and then respond with a timeframe to discuss your health issue. Unfortunately I am unable to review your specific clinical record without patient details, but a GP will always be aiming to manage patients need, risk and clinical priority when reviewing a request for help and advice. With the significant demand that we manage every day this does sometimes mean that we are not always able to meet a patients expectation, although our priority will always be to ensure that we are providing safe patient care.

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