Submitted by Collected by a Healthwatch Norfolk member of staff28th March 2024
I have lived here for 9 months and I wouldn't be alive today if I hadn't of come here.
I had a big fall at home then came here from the hospital. I have had a couple of falls since I have been here but I have been well looked after.
I get out at least twice a week, someone takes me because of my wheelchair. They make sure I get to church every week.
Sometimes someone brings in some small animals which is good and we also have two cats that live here.
The food is good, I like the meat pies and the desserts are nice.
We have different entertainment like singers or a quiz.
My room is nice, they have put up all my paintings in my room and along the hall.
This home has a good reputation locally and I am happy living here.
Submitted by Collected by a Healthwatch Norfolk member of staff28th March 2024
I have lived here about a year and I feel well looked after.
The food is very good and I have a choice of what to eat. You get a glass of wine or sherry at lunch which is nice.
The other day we had people come in with animals like hamsters and gerbils which was good and they do outings that you can go on if you want to.
I feel you are given the choice of what to do when you want to do it.
My room is nice and comfortable.
I have visitors that come and see me and they can take me out if they want to.
My wife is blind and brings in her guide dog with her which everyone loves.
I have people from the church come her and I go out to them which is good and important to me.
One of the other residents is going to put on a Christmas play which will be fun.
I would rather be in my own home, but if I need to be in a care home then I am happy here.
Submitted by Collected by a Healthwatch Norfolk member of staff28th March 2024
I have lived here on and off for over a year.
I like it here, I like the staff, I chose to come back here when I left hospital.
My room is a little bit small but I only sleep in it so it is not a problem.
The food is okay but could do with more salt. You get asked the day before what you would like to choose.
I can have visitors whenever I want and if I want to go out I just have to ask and someone will take me.
Hopefully as the weather gets better there will be more trips out as it has been a bit cold lately.
People come in to entertain us, it good and nice to see different people.
I like my TV so don't really speak to the other residents, most of the time I get to watch what I want on the TV unless there is football on. I have a TV in my room so I can always go to my room and watch it if I want to.
I really can't think of anything they could do any better.
Submitted by Collected by a Healthwatch Norfolk member of staff28th March 2024
I have been here 2 or 3 months and I have not complaints about my care. I don't want to be here but it's as good enough as anywhere to live. I wanted to go home but my daughter wouldn't let me.
I didn't really bring very much with me, just some books but I would like something to do with my hands like some Lego.
The meals are okay I have no complaints about them.
I tend to keep myself to myself as I like my own company.
The staff do take me out for a walk a couple of times a week.
I just wish I could move around more independently may be with a walker as I have to be pushed everywhere in this chair.
It will be nice to sit outside when the weather is a bit warmer.
Submitted by Collected by a Healthwatch Norfolk member of staff28th March 2024
I have been here 7 months and it has been a big adjustment. I did not know I needed to be here until I was here and that took a lot of coming to terms with.
I feel lucky as I am mobile so can wander the building with ease and nobody stops me or tells me not to. There is a small garden which I enjoy sitting in when the weather is nice.
I can go out by myself and try and have a walk twice a day. I do have a mobility scooter but I am not very confident using it on my own.
The girls here are beautiful, I don't think anyone should have to do the things they have to do but they are so patient, understanding and kind, they never blame anyone for any mess.
I have just moved rooms so it is bigger than the one I had before and very nice.
I don't tend to mix with the other residents but that is down to me.
The staff are absolutely brilliant, nothing is too much trouble. Even the manager is really approachable.
I am very fussy when it comes to food and I find it difficult, but they have tried really hard to cater to my needs but I know it's down to me not them, but if I am hungry I can buzz for someone day or night and they will make me some toast and there is always fruit available.
It's good as when you have dirty cloths you put them in the basket and then the next day they are back with you washed.
My grandson comes to visit me and brings in his dog which is lovey, everyone loves to see him.
The minute they see something wrong they will put it right.
I can't say I am happy as I don't want to be here but I am content and well looked after.
Submitted by Feedback collected by Healthwatch Norfolk staff28th March 2024
I chose to come to this home and when I arrived they made me feel very welcome. There was a sign saying "Welcome to your new home". I think I have the best room. It's big and overlooks the garden. When the staff go outside for their breaks they wave at me which is nice. I do miss the cooking I used to do at home but the staff let me do all the sprouts for Christmas Day. The food here is good and I enjoy it. They will also accommodate food preferences and any dietary needs. I can go to church if I want and we can go to the Methodist church which is just next door. I am going out with my daughter today. The home arranges trips for us too. We went to see the Abba film in Kings Lynn and had tea at the Dukes Head which was at our request. The staff are also planning a trip to Banham Zoo. Sometimes we have singers at the home and we enjoy the quizzes. The staff are really good but sometimes we need to be patient with some of the other residents.
Submitted by Feedback collected by Healthwatch Norfolk staff28th March 2024
I felt lonely at home so I chose to come here after my husband died. There are none of the responsibilities of running a home here and that suits me. I had a choice of two rooms and I now have a good friend here. We have good fun together and she has a good sense of humour. It's nice to know she's there. The food is very good. We have two ladies who do the cooking and they both have their own specialities. There is lots of entertainment and some of the music is very good. I have lots of freedom and I can go out when I like. I have a walker that I use but I have just bought a mobility scooter. Some carers are better than others but they are all kind. I enjoy the fact that they give me lots of freedom and independence. I make my own bed and go to Sainsbury's to buy things when I like. I can also buy wine for my room if I wish. We do get wine with our meals if we wish too. I keep busy and I am just mending another residents jumper for him. Sometimes they bring animals in for us, like cats, guinea pigs and rabbits. We also have two cats that live here. They are very well fed. One was a stray but belongs to the home now and the other one belongs to one of the residents.