Only your overall rating and comment will be used to feed back to service providers. We ask for your email address to authenticate the feedback and it is not used for any contact or marketing purposes except in circumstances where there is a misunderstanding and we need to clarify the feedback you are leaving. Any personal information, including your email address, that is collected is stored securely in line with GDPR and will not be used for marketing purposes. Personal information will not be shared with any non-essential organisation, group or third party for any activity beyond what is described in our privacy policy.
Please note: Monitoring information helps us identify trends and gaps in our information gathering, enabling us to provide more detailed evidence to service providers and commissioners about your health and social care services.
Excellent - so swift getting people through at flu clinic. Unbelievably organised and that's coming from a nurse!
Best flu clinic yet! The speed of it was good, couldn't have been any quicker.
Fab - perfect, it was all fine.
Brilliant! I haven't been here long and have only been once but they've been really good. They're better than my last surgery!
Wonderful at flu clinic today. Got paid a massive compliment by a staff member and it made my day!
Good and very quick and efficient at their flu clinic.
Everything was running on time at the flu clinic. The nurses were lovely. There's nothing to improve.
Perfect at flu clinic today - very straightforward. It was well organised and actually saw somebody face-to-face!
Efficient flu clinic - had no problems
Absolutely brilliant for the flu clinic. They were running a little late when I went in but wasn't really delayed at all.