This surgery is part of Coastal Village Surgeries.
61 responses from the local community
Just care about the cost of medicine
Submitted by Anonymous14th January 2021
I’m a new patient and quite honestly feel very vulnerable as a patient here. No support at all.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your positive feedback and support. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
I am also sorry to learn that you have encountered issues with the practice. I hope this has now been resolved.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
Incompetent receptionists.
Submitted by Anonymous8th December 2020
Had my flu jab cancelled the day before i was supposed to be vaccinated. I am in the bracket for a free flu jab under the present NHS Government guidelines of being over 60, i was told simply i will not be called in time soon.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your positive feedback and support. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
I am also sorry to learn that you have encountered issues with the practice. I hope this has now been resolved.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
Helpful and courteous staff
Submitted by 14th October 2020
My elderly mother has moved in with us and recently become a patient at Martham. She has several problems which needed medical intervention,. My concerns were speedily addressed by phone and appropriate appointments made. All the staff were helpful and courteous towards us
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you for taking the time to share your positive feedback with the practice. Its lovely to hear and I will share this with the team.
Our apologies for not replying to this feedback sooner.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
Phones very busy
Submitted by Anonymous23rd December 2019
It is becoming more and more difficult to get through to the surgery if you need a same day appointment. I have on a couple of occasions been waiting to speak to the receptionist for over half an hour. I needed an on the day appointment a few weeks ago and couldn't get through on the phone, so went to the surgery in person. I was told that I had to call the surgery to book the appointment over the phone and not in person at the surgery. By the time I got home and managed to get through all the same day appointments were taken!
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your feedback. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
We are sorry to learn that you have encountered issues with the practice.
We will be replacing our telephone system later this year.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
GP arranged quick referral to hospital
Submitted by Anonymous4th December 2019
I was seen by my GP who after examining explained that I would need referring urgently to the hospital for some tests as he suspected I may have cancer. The GP was very very good at explaining what was going to happen and reassured me and my wife as much as possible. He answered all of our questions as honestly as he could.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your positive feedback and support.
Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
There for me when I need them.
Submitted by Anonymous25th September 2019
I have several health problems. I find the team professional, caring and empathetic. I feel I am treated as an individual, and with respect. A GP appointment is usually found for me if I need it, failing that I'm offered; nurse practitioner appointment or a telephone consultation. Even with my frequent visits, I am never made to feel I'm taking up too much time or being a nuisance. I'm very happy with all aspects of the surgery.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your positive feedback and support.
Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
Overall a good surgery
Submitted by Anonymous30th July 2019
Overall I am happy with the surgery. If you call for an appointment the receptionists will ask questions about why I need to be seen, but I understand this is to clarify if I need an urgent appointment or not. The GP's are all very thorough, I have recently been referred to the James Paget Hospital and have just received an appointment to be seen there in a few weeks time.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your positive feedback and support. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
They tell it to you straight
Submitted by Anonymous30th May 2018
I have been able to get in when not feeling good. I like them because they tell it to you straight. I recently had a lung infection and received good care.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your positive feedback and support. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
Treat my husband wonderfully
Submitted by Ruth13th December 2017
This surgery is part of the Coastal Partnership, I think group practices are a good idea because you can pick up appointments at any of the surgeries. This practice is a nice big practice, they treat my husband wonderfully who has dementia.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for your positive feedback and support. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice
I've lost the use of my finger
Submitted by Anonymous18th July 2017
I have a trigger finger which got locked in place, so I visited my local GP. They told me that it would unlock with some ibuprofen. After 2 weeks of taking the medicine nothing changed. I went back and was finally referred to the doctors at the hospital where I was shocked to be told that I should have been immediately transferred to the hospital. The doctor said that their was little they could do for me now. I've lost nearly all mobility in the finger. The hospital doctor gave me a referral to a physiotherapist. When I showed up, the staff said that I couldn't attend as I had a self referral sheet. I had to wait 2 months to go back to the hospital to get a referral to the physiotherapist.
Reply from Martham Health Centre
Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback . Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner.
We are sorry to learn that you have encountered issues with the practice. I hope this has now been resolved.
Kind Regards
Practice Operations Manager
Coastal Villages Practice