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  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for sharing your concerns. We apologise for any frustration or inconvenience you have experienced regarding the management of your back pain. We welcome patient feedback as a means of helping us improve patient services. We also maintain a policy of continuous improvement which means that our systems are subject to regular reviews to see if we can refine our approach to deliver enhanced patient care. To enable the practice to respond to your concerns could you please contact our Practice Manager by email: or by phone 01263 820512. If you prefer you can also contact our patient participation group who would be happy to discuss your concerns email
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for taking the time to provide positive feedback we will share this with the team.
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your recent experiences with our practice. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience you have faced regarding the availability of appointments. Demand and complexity in general practice is increasing and our practice is facing a widening gap between patient demand and the capacity we have available to meet that demand. Our practice has experienced some staffing changes recently, which has led to the situation you described. Please be assured that we have now recruited 2 new salaried GPs who will be joining the team in September 2024 to provide more consistent care and to meet the growing needs of our patients. We have a team of healthcare professional who work at the practice and in the wider community such as Clinical Pharmacist, Nurse Practitioners, First Contact Physio, Social prescribers, Mental Health Practitioners, Practice Nurses, and Health care Assistants there is also the first pharmacy available to help ensure patients get the right care when they need it without the need for patients to see a GP. If your ailment is urgent our receptionist will speak with a GP on the day to ensure you are signposted to the right clinician at the right time. We are committed to improving our service and ensuring that you receive timely and consistent care. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us identify areas for improvement. If you would like to discuss your concerns or our response, please contact our Practice Manager by email: or by phone 01263 820512. If you prefer you can also contact our patient participation group who would be happy to discuss your concerns email
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for your feedback we are pleased the system and service works well for you
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for taking the time to provide positive feedback we will share this with the team.
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    We are sorry if you find our current system in accessing your GP service at the practice to be unsatisfactory and we are genuinely sorry to hear that you have lost confidence that things will not be followed through. General Practice is facing significant challenges with increased demand and as a practice we aim to provide a high-quality and safe service. We introduced the telephone triage system with the objective of improving patient access and clinical care. Whilst face to face consultations are essential for some cases telephone triage can increase efficiency it allows clinicians to manage urgent cases promptly and reduces the need or unnecessary face to face consultations. To enable the practice to respond specifically to your concern could you please contact our Practice Manager by email: or by phone 01263 820512. If you prefer you can also contact our patient participation group who would be happy to discuss your concerns email
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    We welcome patient feedback as a means of helping us improve patient services. We also maintain a policy of continuous improvement which means that our systems are subject to regular reviews to see if we can refine our approach to deliver enhanced patient care. I am sorry if you find our current system in accessing your GP service at the practice to be unsatisfactory and I am genuinely sorry to hear that you have lost all faith in the surgery. Demand and complexity in general practice is increasing and our practice is facing a widening gap between patient demand and the capacity we have available to meet that demand. We appreciate that it can be frustrating when you can’t obtain what you feel you need from the practice. However, we have pressures and workforce challenges, and the surgery has had to be innovated in response to the challenges we face. NHS England introduced Active Signposting initiative which is designed to connect patients more directly with the most appropriate source of care for patients. At Sheringham our reception team are specifically trained and will ask you questions and utilise a patient protocol to help ensure you see the most appropriate person in practice. We have a team of healthcare professional who work at the practice and in the wider community such as Clinical Pharmacist, Nurse Practitioners, First Contact Physio, Social prescribers, Mental Health Practitioners, Practice Nurses and Health care Assistants to help ensure patients get the right care when they need it without the need for patients to see a GP. If your ailment is appropriate for a GP you will be offered an appropriate appointment on the day or pre-bookable. We hope that our explanations address your concerns, that this goes some way to reassuring you, and that we can rebuild your confidence in the services that we provide. We always aim to provide a high standard of service and very much welcome patient feedback to inform learning and improvement. If you would like to discuss your concerns or our response, please contact our Practice Manager by email: or by phone 01263 820512. If you prefer you can also contact our patient participation group who would be happy to discuss your concerns email