
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    We welcome patient feedback as a means of helping us improve patient services. We also maintain a policy of continuous improvement which means that our systems are subject to regular reviews to see if we can refine our approach to deliver enhanced patient care. Firstly, I would like to apologies for any inconvenience the situation caused you. Following your feedback we have added our Team email addresses to our new website. Patients also have the option to ask the practice a question via a link on the website, however this functionality is only available during our core hours. If you would like to discuss your concerns further, please contact our Practice Manager by email: or by phone 01263 820512. If you prefer you can also contact our patient participation group who would be happy to discuss your concerns email
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    We welcome patient feedback as a means of helping us improve patient services. We also maintain a policy of continuous improvement which means that our systems are subject to regular reviews to see if we can refine our approach to deliver enhanced patient care. To enable the practice to respond to your concerns could you please contact our Practice Manager by email: or by phone 01263 820512. If you prefer you can also contact our patient participation group who would be happy to discuss your concerns email
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for your kind feedback we will share this with the team. Sheringham Medical Practice
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for your feedback - I would like to say that I am sorry if you find our system of booking an appointment to be unsatisfactory and if you have experienced inconvenience and frustration as a result of this. The system was introduced with the objective of improving patient access and clinical care by eliminating the traditional "first past the post" approach to booking an appointment. Under the previous system, a patient would have had to wait for anything between two days and four weeks for a routine face to face appointment without any direct contact with a clinician, whereas under this system, clinical contact is usually established the same day or with in 2 weeks. In the majority of instances, actually improved the speed with which clinical consultations occur and, if you phone on one of your preferred GP’s clinical days they have a number of telephone consultations that can be booked on the day. Furthermore, you also have the choice of pre-booking a telephone consultation up to four weeks in advance, subject to availability. Either way, upon speaking with your doctor they will then arrange for you to be seen face to face in a timeframe in accordance with clinical need or help you over the phone if clinically appropriate and safe to do so. We do also offer face to face appointments with our Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Mental Health Practitioners and social prescribers. If you would like to discuss further please contact
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that you were not advised when you booked your appointment that the main doors would be locked and how you would be able to gain access to the practice on a Saturday. Following your feedback we now have signs outside the front door advising patients to go to the fire exit door and ring the bell. We also ask the receptionist to advise the patient when booking the appointment and we send text messages to all patients the day before their appointment. Again we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for taking the time to feedback your comments. It is lovely to receive positive comments and I will feedback to our team.
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    We welcome patient feedback as a means of helping us improve patient services. We also maintain a policy of continuous improvement which means that our systems are subject to regular reviews to see if we can refine our approach to deliver enhanced patient care. We are sorry that when you contacted the practice you did not receive the service you were expecting. We will review the concerns that you have raised and share the findings and any learning points with the team at the practice.
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    I am sorry that you have had difficulties with regards to the online services if you would like to contact me directly I would be happy to help. Pauline Craske
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for taking the time to feedback your comments. It is lovely to receive positive comments and I will feedback to our team.
  • Reply from Sheringham Medical Practice

    Thank you for taking the time to post a positive review these are always welcome. I will share with our team at our next practice meeting.