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  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    Thank you so much for the positive feedback, I'm really glad that you found our service helpful
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    I am sorry that you did not have a positive experience with Wellbeing. We provide brief psychological interventions which are not suitable for everyone. We are not a crisis service, and sometimes a person's next steps are best met elsewhere. However, our staff should be discussing your next steps with you and explaining our reasons for not offering treatment within the service, along with providing you with advice, so I am sorry that you have left feeling so dissatisfied with your experience. If you would like us to look into this please do contact us on 0300 123 1503, or by emailing
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    Thank you for taking the time to feed back to us, and I am sorry that your experience of the webinar was not positive. I appreciate that you find it hard to talk, and I am sorry that none of the interventions we offer sounded helpful for you. As you are clearly struggling, please do contact the service by calling 0300 123 1503, or emailing us at, and we can arrange for someone to speak with you some more regarding the help that you need. You can also access urgent mental health support by calling NHS 111 and choosing Option 2, for the urgent mental health support line
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    I am sorry to hear that your experience was not all good. Thank you for the positive feedback about the CBT therapist that you saw. As an IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) service, we are commissioned by the NHS to provide brief therapies to a very large number of people every year. This means that we cannot offer unlimited support, because if we did then others would just wait for longer. We do however provide treatment in line with NICE Guidance, which provides recommendations both for the type of treatment and the number of sessions in order to provide the best outcomes for people. Sometimes more treatment sessions do not necessarily lead to better outcomes, and I hope that your therapist gave you the opportunity to explore how you felt at the end, especially as you did not feel ready for discharge, and I hope that your therapist was comfortable with their decision to discharge you at that point. If this was not the case, then please do get in touch with us, and we will be very happy to review your case and the treatment that you were offered.
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    I am sorry to hear you have been waiting so long, this does sound an unusually long time to be waiting. You should have received a text message each month with details of how to access support while waiting, and of how to contact us with any queries. Please do contact Wellbeing on 0300 123 1503, so that we can look into your case and get you seen as soon as possible.
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    I am sorry that you were not able to access face to face support. We are gradually returning to offering face to face for some of our interventions and this will be increasing over time. We can also offer video calls which most people find very helpful as you can see each other but without the need to wear a mask. I am glad that you found the calls helpful. Thank you for your feedback.
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    I am sorry that you didn\'t find Wellbeing helpful for you. If you would like to get in touch with the service again on 0300 123 1503, we will be very happy to look into this for you.
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    I am sorry to hear that your experience of our service has not been positive. Should you wish to discuss this further then please contact us on 0300 123 1503.
  • Reply from Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney (IAPT)

    Thank you for providing us with feedback. We are very sorry to hear your experience with the Wellbeing Service especially as you were brave enough to reach out after years. The Wellbeing Service is a Primary Care Mental Health Service meaning we are commissioned to provide treatment for people with mild to moderate mental health problems. This is in the form of workshops, online guided self-help, telephone or face-to-face support, CBT and short-term counselling. As this feedback is anonymous, unfortunately, we are unable to understand the full details of your case and whether the outcome of your assessment was appropriate. If you would like to discuss this in more detail and I would encourage you to contact us on 0300 123 1503.