
  • Reply from Hemsby Medical Centre

    Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your feedback. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner. We are glad to hear that the doctor was helpful. We are sorry to learn that your son has encountered issues when accessing care at the practice, we hope these issues have since been resolved. Kind Regards Practice Operations Manager Coastal Villages Practice
  • Reply from Hemsby Medical Centre

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with the practice and thank you for being a member of our patient participation group. We do ask questions to try to ascertain who the most suitable clinician would be to direct you to for the care that you need. We also have Social Prescribers and Care Co-ordinators attached to the practice that we can refer patients to and they can help you find local services that may be of benefit. Our apologies for not replying to this feedback sooner. Kind Regards Practice Operations Manager Coastal Villages Practice
  • Reply from Hemsby Medical Centre

    Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your feedback. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner. We are sorry to learn that you encountered issues when contacting the practice, we hope these issues have since been resolved. Kind Regards Practice Operations Manager Coastal Villages Practice
  • Reply from Hemsby Medical Centre

    Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your feedback. Our sincere apologies that we haven't replied to this sooner. We are sorry to learn that you encountered issues with the practice, and hope that this since been resolved. Kind Regards Practice Operations Manager Coastal Villages Practice
  • Reply from Hemsby Medical Centre

    Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your feedback. Our sincere apologies that we haven\'t replied to this sooner. We are sorry to learn that you and your daughter had encountered issues with the practice. We hope that it is now easier for you both when contacting the practice to get any help and support needed. Kind Regards Practice Operations Manager Coastal Villages Practice
  • Reply from Hemsby Medical Centre

    Thank you for taking the time to share your positive feedback with the practice. Its lovely to hear and I will share this with the team. We are sorry that you had issues with finding out your results, we hope this issue was resolved. Our apologies for not replying to this feedback sooner. Kind Regards Practice Operations Manager Coastal Villages Practice