Address: St James Medical Practice, County Court Road, King's Lynn, PE30 5SYTelephone: 01553774221Website:
116 responses from the local community
Poor service and pure rude
Submitted by Anonymous25th March 2022
I needed to get an issue looked at that has been ongoing since pre covid that this practice has not properly helped with as it is still causing me problems.
I arrived for my appointment and was told by the auto login screen a room number I headed to the waiting room. The auto system then beeped calling me to the same room, I got up went to the room to find it was locked, confused I went to find someone to help me. At this point I had a VERY abrupt and upset nurse storm out of her office and start calling for me. When I responded it was me she then very rudely told me "in here" to which I responded "apologies but your system told me room 4 this is room 5". The nurse then had a go at me that she was not in that room and hasnt been all morning and that I was the first patient to have an issue that morning. The nurse was rude and I felt completely abused before even trying to get my issue looked at. Once the nurse did let me get to the point of my visit she was still rude, short with me and wouldn't let me speak properly about my problem. I felt I wasted a my time trying to get my health concern looked at and this is not the first time I have suffered with a relatively minor health issue for over a year due to uncaring staff at this facility.
trying to get face to face help for elderly relative who is very deaf - so she can't hear on the phone. Was reduced to tears this morning by the reception person, who had no empathy or understanding. In fact, I was pretty much told off for ringing early to ask for an appointment, as "this time of the morning is for emergency problems". Well, I did not know that. Tried to get them to understand concerns that we need to see a GP face to face due to communication issues, also have been up through the night with relative's medical & emotional issues. Breath wasted. This used to be a brilliant practice, always accessible & helpful - something has gone seriously wrong
Everytime is so hard to book appoitment with specialist, reception staff always trying to skip my request. Once I had problem with my hand, i've tried book online appoitment, I had info that at the next week my request will be considered, then probably another week of waiting for appoitment. I didn't wait and I went straight away to hospital.There doctor told me that's carpal tunel syndrome and another few weeks of waiting would be much worst for my hand.
Another time I arrived to Practice to book appoitment with doctor, face to face, to talk with him about another medicines for my acne treatment, because my previous treatment doesn't work. Lady at reception told me she can book only telephone appoitment. I asked her how doctor can look at my face and decide about what kind of medicines give me by phone? She only smile with sarcasm and said she can't book face to face appoitment.
Every year that practice is going to be worst...
It used to be better than this I used to be able to go to the website and choose a date and time to see the doctor in whom I have the most confidence, who knows me and my circumstances, who trusted my insights and make that appointment at any time of the day or night. Now I can only make an appointment during surgery opening hours. I don't get to choose who I see. There's no point trying to communicate with them by email because emails either disappear or are simply not read. The staff are kind enough but it's the infrastructure, the system that like old milk has gone off. The prospect of it moving out of reach to north Lynn inspires no confidence in them whatsoever. Its like their values have changed and patients no longer matter, only ambition. Apart from one gp I am confident in the clinical skills, and have been impressed by the non-clinical staff for the most part, but the gp who knows me best is out of reach. This is a surgery that has moved far apart from the patients they used to serve. What do I want to see most of all? A website that works for patients. A system to communicate with doctors by email. A return to the calendar system where we could book appointments when we needed, with whom we needed, at a slot we needed.
Having Type 2 Diabetes, looking for info on replacement test strips / meter as my current provider has stopped production / issuing them in Dec 2021, have not had any answer back.
I tried to make an appointment through the website only to be told that due to the high number of on-line requests, they couldn't deal with me. After tracking down the phone number I had a 20 minute wait to get through to a member of staff. In fairness the receptionist was able to answer my query but the whole process of getting to speak to someone or make an appointment, let alone actually get to see or speak to a doctor is woeful. There are more options to communicate today than there were 30 years ago yet the process is immeasurably more complicated, inefficient and demoralising. At a time when a person needs assistance, the very system which should provide it is letting the patient down. My problem was not a major issue thank goodness, I dread the day should I need help with something serious.
It seems to me only people who are tech-savvy are able to register online with the practice. Being asked to 'attach and upload' proof of ID and proof of address must be very daunting for some of our more elderly community.
I recently had a health check and on receiving the results was told by the nurse that I would be referred to my doctor.
A couple of days later I received a call to inform me that I would expect a call from a doctor to discuss my blood results and to expect it in two weeks on the 2/11/2021.
The call came not from my doctor but another to basically inform me that as my results were concerning he was advising me that I should consider taking satins.
There was no breakdown of my health check results no mention of my blood pressure levels and no discussion on the pro's and cons on having to take satins for the rest of my life.
So many questions that I needed to ask and be reassured of and the opportunity to discuss other issue concerning my health would have been far better dealt with on a one to one surgery appointment.
To say that I am extremely disappointed is an understatement.
I am frustrated in that the care I was looking for was not available.
I do not think I have ever met my doctor or spoken with him other then my first introduction to the surgery.
Mistakes were made on that call in that medication that I thought was prescribed were cancelled because the doctor said I had refused them.
That mistake would never have arisen if we were talking face to face.
Decisions I now need to make will affect my lifestyle for the rest of my life but without the right consultation and information that I require are difficult to make.
I was hoping for a one to one and that is the very least I should expect.
My son had a swollen throat and very poorly so I asked for an appointment told none left so I ask if there were any emergency appointments she said no and if it’s that bad go to A&E rude I didn’t go but later that night I had to call an out of hours gp who saw him he’s now on 80 penicillin for 10 days as his infection was so severe it didn’t end there I had to call an ambulance later that night and he ended up in hospital